Episode 69 : EIFF Podcast #5
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With this year's Edinburgh International Film Festival already having packed up the bunting and put it back into storage, all that's left is for Drew and Scott to talk about The Secret In Their Eyes and If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle, and have a little post-mortem on the best and worst of the fest.
We think that including The Secret In Their Eyes is a bit of a cheat for a film festival at this point, given that it's already won an Oscar and is due for a UK release in August, but regardless the chance to see it is welcome, and we recommend that you do so too as soon as you can. A fine police procedural with an intertwined repressed relationship drama, it's beautifully shot, with an interesting storyline and strong performances throughout.
Less worthy, far, far, less worthy, is the Romanian drama If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle, a film that as far as I can tell only has the unique name going for it. An imprisoned man goes to extremes to protect his brother, but as a whole the film is pointless, saying nothing about how the characters got into this situation or indeed having any interesting characters in the first place. Avoid.
While there's certainly been fewer films kicking around this year's festival, there's still a good number of films to look out for. We very highly recommend Get Low, Restrepo, and Third Star, with enjoyment also to be had from Skeletons, Snowman's Land and Obselidia. It would be advisable to avoid with extreme prejudice Cigarette Girl and brilliantlove.
I guess we'll take another crack at this festival lark next year, and we'll be back with some more commonly available films soon.