Episode 123 : A far, far better rest.

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Hey folks, we have some exciting news for anyone who has stuck with the site since our launch, or indeed anyone who has joined us in the interim. Rather than continue with a current film review site and podcast which, as anyone who's noticed the fall off in frequency of posting reviews and podcasts will attest, plainly isn't working for us, we're refocusing with some rather more special and considered podcasts.
The sad news is that such new beginnings require some endings, and as part of that refocus we are moving to a brand new site, with a brand new podcast. theOneliner.com isn't going anywhere, but will no longer be updated. But fret not! Fresh new entertainment awaits at our new site, FudsOnFilm.com!
Our new monthly podcast retrospectives are centred around themes, from specific movements in cinema or the work of actors or directors we love, through to exhorting the merits of movies that we feel are unfairly held in low regard. We hope to give a little more in-depth information on our subject matter, and better explain what makes our chosen films stand out from the field in this format.
So the same terrible drivel you've come to expect from us, but with a different set of subjects. What's not to love?
We're sad to see the end of a site we've loved since 2002, but we're also very excited by the topics we have planned to cover in our new incarnation. That passion will give you more involved, better informed podcasts, and our bran-heavy diets will make them more regular.
We'd be delighted if you could join us over at Fuds On Film!, or subscribe directly to our new podcast feed, or indeed find us on iTunes. We apologise for the inconvenience, but we think it will be worth it.